Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dark Money

Dark money sounds like a documentary just waiting to be made.  I alluded to some of the PACs that contributed money in our local congressional race, but there is a large and growing pot of money that is seeking to influence elections in the shadows.

Through "social welfare" groups individuals, corporations or organizations that wish to contribute to a campaign without having to disclose those donations can do so under the guise of "social welfare". Via the NYTimes -

"In the 2010 midterms, when this practice was just getting started, $161 million was spent by groups that did not disclose donations. In this cycle it was up to at least $216 million, and 69 percent of it was spent on behalf of Republicans".

"Political operatives say this year was just a dress rehearsal for 2016, when there will be even more money, much of it secret, all benefiting the interests of the richest and best connected Americans. Given big money’s influence on Tuesday, the chances for limiting it are more distant than ever."

It's this last line that really sticks out to me.........

"Given big money’s influence on Tuesday, the chances for limiting it are more distant than ever"

Again, this strategy only works if you allow it to.  If we continue to vote as they tell us to, then this system will repeat itself over and over again.  However, if we begin to educate ourselves on the issues and shine a light on these pools of dark money, maybe, just maybe, we can begin to reverse this trend.

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